If you are anything like me, you get tired of online debates about your favourite team. Hockey is a game of chaos, but there is order within the chaos that is not always obvious or visible.
What the heck do I mean by all that?
Everyone has an opinion on the strengths and weaknesses of their team, and everyone has an opinion about what went right or wrong in “that game last night”. But if there are opposing views that contradict each other, then somebody has to be right, and somebody has to be wrong. How many times have you seen an opinion and thought “what game were you watching?!”
While hockey is a flowing game of chaos where anything can happen, it’s not a coincidence that certain teams win more than others, and certain players produce more than others.
I’m just a simple Edmonton Oilers fan that likes numbers and statistics, and instead of forming an opinion based on a feeling or a vibe, I like to dig into the underlying order within the chaos.
Obviously, stats and trends are not the be all and end all, and correlation is not always causation, but at the end of the day….it’s all just for fun!